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Energy Plans and Pricing

Electricity and gas plans

To get a quote complete the online form here, call 13 23 76 or email [email protected]

Yes, you can get a combined electricity and gas quote. To get a quote complete the online form here, call 13 23 76 or email [email protected]

Our energy experts can provide a tailored quote for your large business. To get a quote complete the online form here, call 13 23 76 or email [email protected]

Solar and battery storage

For Shell Energy’s commercial and industrial solar solutions, click here.

Yes, you can get a combined electricity and PPA quote. To get a quote complete the online form here, call 13 23 76 or email [email protected]

Network charges and default rates (small business electricity)

You can find the small business default rates here.

Time of Use periods means the split between Peak, Shoulder and Off-Peak times, which determine the rate you pay for your electricity depending on when you consume power throughout any given day. These times can vary depending on which state your site is located.

Peak times are when electricity costs are highest and usually apply in the evenings from Monday to Friday. Off-peak times are typically overnight and on weekends. Shoulder times may be either side of peak hours.

Time of Use period definitions for retail charges are set by your energy retailer and communicated when you sign up.

Network Time of Use is dependent on the tariff assigned by the distributor and are subject to change annually.

Network defined Time of Use periods can be found in each distributors current pricing proposal.

Speak to your account manager about whether you are eligible for a solar feed-in tariff. If applicable, solar feed-in tariffs are displayed on page 4 of your invoice, under Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI).

If you are an electricity customer, you can find your network charges detailed on your bill. Click here to view the relevant Bill Explainer.


GreenPower is a national, independent scheme that offers the only government accredited renewable energy in Australia. You can find more information here.

Yes. Shell Energy is one of the largest retailers of GreenPower in Australia.

Businesses can purchase GreenPower through their energy contracts. For more details contact your account manager or call 13 23 76.

Purchasing GreenPower is an easy way to meet and promote corporate emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. By purchasing 10% or more GreenPower in your energy contract, you can promote your sustainability credentials2. To find out more about GreenPower click here, contact your account manager or call 13 23 76.


You can talk to your Shell Energy account manager or go to the GreenPower website at