Renewable Energy Contracting

We design innovative energy solutions, remove the complexity of renewable energy contracting and deliver a range of solutions to help businesses thrive through the energy transition.

As experts in business energy, we offer a range of renewable energy contracting options, which offer customers flexible solutions to achieve their renewable energy goals.  These customisable solutions can help customers state their renewable claims with confidence.

We make choosing the right renewable energy contracting solutions simple so businesses can achieve their sustainability goals.


Adding GreenPower to your retail electricity contract is one of the simplest ways to meet corporate renewable energy targets.

  • GreenPower renewable energy comes from 100% renewable energy sources
  • Lock in a fixed price
  • Promote your business's sustainability credentials
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Voluntary Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs)

LGCs can be purchased as part of your retail electricity contracting arrangements to help incentivise renewable energy development in Australia.

  • Certifiably demonstrate commitment to renewable energy and carbon emission targets
  • Access LGCs at fixed prices and terms
  • Match a set percentage of your energy supply
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Power Purchase Agreements

Procure off-site renewable energy generation to meet your decarbonisation goals.

  • Support investment in renewable energy generation and developments
  • Agreements can include purchase of renewable energy certificates, such as LGCs, from renewable energy projects
  • Price certainty for periods where a fixed retail price applies
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Purchasing GreenPower is one of the easiest ways to meet corporate emissions reduction and renewable energy targets2.

Every GreenPower purchase leads to renewable energy being added to the grid and gives corporate customers confidence that their emissions reductions are credible and can be used to achieve corporate emissions reduction targets2.

We work with you to match a percentage of your electricity usage (from 10-100%) with GreenPower and lock in a fixed price for the purchase. Once this percentage has been agreed, we purchase one GreenPower Large-scale Generation Certificate (LGC) for each megawatt hour (MWh) of GreenPower you purchase. We then surrender these certificates to the scheme regulator on your behalf.

Purchasing 10% or more GreenPower in your energy contract also allows you to promote your sustainability credentials2.

To understand more about how GreenPower can help your business meet its emissions reduction targets, talk to your Shell Energy Account Manager, or visit the GreenPower website.

Large-scale Generation Certificates

Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) are created under the Australian Government’s Renewable Energy Target (RET), a scheme designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector by encouraging the development of renewable energy generation resources.

One LGC can be created from eligible renewable energy generation resources for each megawatt hour (MWh) of energy generated. LGCs can be sold to liable entities who buy and surrender LGCs to the Clean Energy Regulator to comply with mandatory scheme obligation.

In addition, in recent years, LGCs have been increasingly purchased voluntarily by businesses to offset carbon emissions from the consumption of energy for commercial and industrial purposes1, and to demonstrate a contribution to renewable energy generation.

Businesses with decarbonisation goals can meet renewable energy and carbon emissions targets by purchasing additional voluntary LGCs and surrendering them to the Clean Energy Regulator. Depending on contract terms, customers may be able to make public statements about the renewable generation source, along with any associated community benefits the renewable generator provides.

Shell Energy customers can access LGCs at fixed prices and terms, matching a set percentage of electricity consumption, with Shell Energy handling the administration and costs.

Whether your business is an accredited power station under the RET, a liable entity required to buy and surrender LGCs on an annual basis, or looking to voluntarily offset carbon emissions, Shell Energy can cut through the complexity for you.

For a more detailed understanding, watch the below video or read our article discussing LGCs 

Power Purchase Agreements

A corporate PPA is one approach to attempting to manage energy price risk and achieving renewable or sustainability objectives. Deciding whether a PPA is appropriate for your business requires a thorough assessment of your requirements, risk appetite and the available products in market.

Corporate PPAs can be structured in many ways, work in the same way as a long-term contract for energy pricing and may include features such as fixed pricing. Typically, customer volume thresholds apply (usually at least 50 GWh per state, per year).

While contracts such as PPAs are a financial agreement – as opposed to a physical supply arrangement – they can include renewable energy certificates such as LGCs for your business to claim a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation. For your business to report on or claim to buy renewable energy, any PPA must include LGC acquisition and surrender.

When considering a PPA for your business, consider the following:

  • The detailed requirements of your sustainability objectives, including any voluntary reporting frameworks.
  • Whether you need to certify your business’ emissions reductions by adding LGCs.
  • What contract term are you able to agree? PPA contracts are usually long term, often 5 years or more.
  • Are you comfortable contracting with a renewable generator directly or do you require an electricity retailer to manage this relationship?
  • Do you require fixed electricity rates or can you manage a variable price?
  • What is your risk appetite?

Talk to Shell Energy or your energy consultant if you are considering entering into a PPA.

For a more detailed understanding, read our article which covers the types of PPAs available.

  • Talk to us about achieving your renewable energy goals through contracting

  • Get in touch

1 Shell Energy was responsible for 30.6% of the total MWh of GreenPower sold to businesses in calendar year 2021. See report here.
3 Clean Energy Regulator, Voluntary large-scale generation certificate demand grows